Woooooow ... I haven't blogged for AGES.. it's actually quite embarrassing ..hahaha.. oh well nothing quite like getting back on the horse aye.
So much has happened since I last wrote, I moved to the other side of the world, successfully completed two years of Bible College, have made some amazing friendships, been completely transformed and changed for the better, finally being the person I want to be whilst living the life I want to live.
This week I have been captured by a video I saw on facebook talking about not living for work driven by money but asking the question "What would you do with your life if money was no object?". It is really thought provoking stuff but it is this quote that really struck me "Better to have a short life spending it full of what you enjoy doing rather than have a long life being miserable". It forces you to ask the questions of what am I doing with my life? how am I spending it? am I doing what I love or just merely paying the bills?
Whilst pondering this I remembered a dream or a desire I had in my early 20's to help troubled, wayward and rejected teens express their feelings through graffiti murals and other art forms and then hold an auction in the community for this art to be sold. For years this dream has stayed dormant, totally idle and completely forgotten because of my own lack of self-esteem and self-confidence UNTIL yesterday when I saw this video and God brought it all back to memory and it came alive again: the possibilities, the hopes, the vision and that's when I realised that if money was no object I would make that dream happen, which then made me think I wanted to see that dream happen with or without money.
It made me realise that if you're not dreaming you're dying.. haha.. I know you might think that it sounds over the top but from my experience I was so focused on myself: what I wasn't, what I should be, what I needed to be that I never actually allowed myself to dream, I never could believe that I would do something great. So this is why I use the word dying because although I was alive I wasn't growing or producing, I was regressing.
I have made a decision to read one book a month that is based on a life that made a difference, there are so many people past and present who believe in change and made it, people like:
Martin Luther
Nancy Wake
Hudson Taylor
William Wilberforce
Martin Luther King
Winston Churchill
Eleanor Roosevelt
Rosa Parks
Smith Wigglesworth
Princess Diana
Nelson Mandela
Mother Teresa
C.S Lewis
and so many more...
Be inspired by those who have already paved the way.. Don't forget to dream, it's one of the few things that are free in this world.
Till next time